Sunday, November 23, 2008

Recession Tsunami wave

Heard and read so much news about recession, economy slowdown in the papers recently but I did not really feel the impact yet as my friends and I was blessed.

I felt the ripples when I was in Orchard road for my class last weekend. Christmas is near but there were very few christmas deco compare to previous years and I also notice that many people are not shopping. This year is so quiet compare to the last 5 years. Is the recession going to be bad?

I think it must be true when I was doing some job posting for my company. I was shocked to find some big shots or people that use to be directors or head of department trying to get a executive position and most of the applicants are from the banking industry. Some are even holding a few Degrees with MBA and they are usually from India and other neighbour countries.

Now I can fully understand why so many people are stressing the importance of a good resume and cover letter. If you are reading a few hundred resumes in a day, you might not even give those poor one a second look. As mention by my econs lecturer, a funny email address like might end your resume in the trash bin.

So just a piece of advise to my dear friends if you are planning to change jobs or sending out a resume. Recession is coming and if you are holding on to any jobs, please stay put. This is not the time to quit without a job and please do not give reasons like change of enviroment in your reason for leaving. The time is bad and many people with MBA are asking for jobs as low as $1800. So think twice before you act!

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