Friday, December 30, 2011

Another milestone 2011

Another year is coming to an end...looking back this year, I am glad that I hv acheive abit of what I hv plan for this year.

Travelling with my parents.

Make changes in my department.

Travel somewhere in Thailand.

It's been a fruitful year and praise the lord for making all this possible.

Oh and not forgetting my new gadgets SII and iPad which allow me to blog this w/o my laptop (^-^)

Jus some recaps for this year...A big Thank you to all  that make this possible!

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

Cheap flights? Think twice again...

Really enjoy this in our last staff meeting...laugh my head off no matter how many times I watch it...LOL

Sunday, June 12, 2011

This is really Goodbye

Love this song from Korean drama "Lie to me"

It's been a busy week and weekend with work and this have to go on for the next 1 month. This is one great song to keep me going...

English Translation

Where did you go, the you who just passed me by and left?
Are you doing fine, at a place without me by your side?
Hoping you'll come back, the times I've waited for you
I'll let it go now, I'll forget you now

The beautiful times we had, they're all memories now
The tears I shed when I missed you like crazy
Hoping you'll come back, time stood stagnant
I'll let you go and leave now, goodbye

Couldn't you find it, the road that leads back to me?
Should I wait a little while more, should I wait here a little longer?
Hoping you'll come back, I waited all this while
I'll let it go now, I'll end it for real

My love for you that I held on so tightly, is slowly dissipating
The me that went crazy missing you, is gradually changing
Hoping you'll come back, time has stood stagnant
I should erase it all now, for real

My love, it ends right here, this never-ending yearning
Stuck in my throat, I couldn't say it
Those heartbreaking words of parting
All my beautiful memories of you, it's leaving me right now

Like falling tears, my love is slowly dissipating
The me that went crazy missing you, is gradually changing
Hoping you'll come back, time stood stagnant
I should erase it now, for real

Should erase it now,
I should forget you now, goodbye

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Looking back...

Sometimes when I am less busy...I have time to sit down and reflect the past...cos recently a friend say I am strong but this word was never in my dictionary. If I am strong today, it is through God.

I have blogged on some findings of myself last month which I am not too proud and will like to change. May the power of God be with me always and that I will be able to live my life in His image.

So let me blog this down for my future when I need to look back again...Always remember 1Peter 4:8 - 11

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen!

So now let me do what I do best....share....and this song for anyone out there.

Friday, May 27, 2011

I love this song and miss this tv drama...

Been listening to this song the whole morning.

Suddenly have the urge to watch this drama 天地男兒 again....oh...whr to find in Thailand.

Guess I have to ask someone to buy back from HKG...

Monday, May 23, 2011

It's K Time

Singing is a good way to de stress....miss all my friends that can K with me in SG.

Love this song, great rhythm and lyrics...something I can relate too.
Below are the lyrics to sing along. Here we go...


我傻傻大步的走 也知道不必難過
生命旅程中 總有人逗留

分開各自走 你可以享受自由

你不必回頭問我 假裝溫柔 不知所措
有一天相信 你會懷念 那個傻傻的我

忘了吧 曾經我們手牽著手說著以後
算了吧 你的承諾對我來說就像氣球
但這些又算得了什麼 還是朋友

分開各自走 你可以享受自由

你不必回頭問我假裝溫柔 不知所措
有一天相信你會懷念 那個傻傻的我

忘了吧 曾經我們手牽著手說著以後
算了吧 你的承諾對我來說就像氣球
但這些又算得了什麼 還是朋友

雖然有時氣你 下一刻又想通

你不必回頭問我假裝溫柔 不知所措
有一天相信你會懷念 那個傻傻的我

忘了吧 曾經我們手牽著手說著以後
算了吧 你的承諾對我來說就像氣球
但這些又算得了什麼 還是朋友

Sunday, May 22, 2011


休息是為了走更長的路...this is why I need a holiday every once in awhile
你就是我的旅途...Yes, I want to witness God's creation in every journey
都是因為你 我一直漫步 not forget the flowers along the way

想要跟你一起走到最後 但我遺失了地圖 誰給誰束縛 誰比誰辛苦 愛到深處才會領悟 好的事情 最後雖然結束 感動十分 就有十分滿足 謝謝你 是你陪我走過那些路 痛 是以後無法再給你幸福 好的事情 也許能夠重複 感動時分 就算紛紛模糊 不要哭 至少你和我記得很清楚 愛 是為彼此祝福

不要哭 至少你和我記得很清楚 愛 是為彼此祝福

To all my friends from the past,present and future...

Maybe we will lost each other along the way but I have to Thank you for being there along the way, making this life journey wonderful and unforgettable.

Be course of your presence, I am able to live as I am Today!

Thanks for your love and care... 愛 是為彼此祝福

Monday, May 2, 2011

Recent findings about myself

Recently I have some surprising findings about myself:

1) I actually care about my home country....Singapore. I never thought much of my country and have no personal pride or even try to defend much when some people I met will criticize on my home country. But the recent event and happening to GE keep me stay up all night to catch the news. This really caught myself in surprise....

2) I am a lone traveler always in these recent years and I thought I will miss companionship....recently went for a short trip with my co-workers...this make me realize that I rather travel alone then stuck in a car or somewhere if the company is not right. Oh...and I prefer to travel with my guy gangs than gal gangs. They are more true and will display their likes and dislikes from their face...I really dislike pretenders and tired of their games. Maybe I am better off alone....hmmm.

3) Language barrier do make a difference. I ever thought of having a partner of different races but from the recent trip, I realize that I feel out of place when I am unable to communicate or understand in a conversation. This really gives me second thoughts about going into a relation with someone that I could have language barrier.

4) I totally cannot click with bimbos or people who only wants to look good and self-centered. All topics always revolve about them and no one else. They are really good with the big talks about caring for the less fortune but action speaks louder than words.

Oh I getting older and crankier....

Monday, April 25, 2011

This is classic...hv to save it on my blog.

Which maid to choose?
by Ming Lee Lim on Monday, April 25, 2011 at 5:16pm

I need your urgent advice about employing a maid. As a busy mother, I need someone reliable to help out at home.

My maid is from Profits Agency Pte (PAP) and she has worked for me for a long time. Her mother worked for my parents and did an excellent job, so I had faith in her. For several years her performance has been very good, but recently she has become arrogant and insensitive, and is making lots of mistakes.

For example:

1) She flooded my kitchen – she told me that the drain pipe has blocked (she was supposed to clear it once a month but didn’t). Then she assured me that it is very rare and won’t happen again in the near future. Guess what? It flooded again within a year!

2) She didn’t close a window and my terrier dog escaped. I was so worried cos he is dangerous and could bite lots of people. After the incident, she didn’t apologise and just shrugged her shoulders saying “What to do, it has happened.” Fortunately my neighbor found the dog and we locked it up again.

3) Without consulting me, she has been bringing in strangers for my house's maintenance work. She says they charge low wages and keep costs down, but they eat my food, make a lot of noise and rest on my bed. I think they even tried to seduce my husband. It stopped feeling like my home, more like a cheap hotel, and I don’t always want to come back at the end of the day.

4) When she first came to work for me, I instructed her to clean the different parts of the house at least once a week. But for some time she has stopped taking care of the bedrooms of PP and H; they are now dirty and messy. I asked why and she told me that the kids had been disobedient, so she was neglecting their bedrooms as a punishment (she has forgotten that she is paid to clean all the rooms).

Even though my maid has worked for me for many years and I value what she has done in the past, I think she is now getting complacent. Her attitude is imperious and dismissive. She ignores my comments and basically treats my feedback as "noise". I wrote to the agency about her behavior; they assured me that they are the best agency around and all their maids are “Commited to Serve” – but I think it is just rhetoric and I don’t see that in her actions. Her salary is much higher than maids in other countries, but the agency say this is to keep her honest and stop her moving to another employer. They say there is a limited supply of maids, and Singapore isn’t big enough for more than one good maid agency, so I should not trust their competitors.

I have to decide whether to renew my maid’s 5-year employment contract. When we discussed this she said that she is now part of a team, and if I want her I must also accept her friends doing part-time work for me. One friend is very inexperienced, can't do basic tasks or explain what she intends to do. I suspect that she is actually underage. When interviewed, she only seemed interested in her days-off and visiting Universal Studios. When she couldn't answer my questions she stomped her foot and exclaimed, "I don't know what to say!" But I am still expected to pay her a high salary.

Now there happen to be a few other maid agencies - Workhard Pte (WP), New Solutions Pte (NSP), Super Personnel Pte (SPP) and Star Domestica Pte (SDP) - that offered me some helpers who seem sincere, genuine and intelligent. They are keen to work, willing to assist me and have a good attitude. I know that they may take a bit of time to learn how everything works, but frankly I am inclined to give them a chance.

People say that the devil you know is better than one you don’t. But I feel that I can’t tahan my current maid anymore. Do you think I should sack my current maid and try out a new one? Appreciate your advice.