If we celebrate the years behind us, they will become stepping stones of strength and joy for the many years ahead, thus, I will like to give my thanks to Year 2008.
Though I have no room or home to call my own but I am thankful to God for He had given me shelter and a roof for my cover.
Though I own no car for transport but I have healthy legs so I can walk.
Though I am earning less than before but I have a job and I love my work.
Though I may not be able to travel aboard but I am thankful that I am safe here in Singapore with my family & friend’s support.
Though I gain one year older but I am also one year wiser.
Though I am single with no partner but I have more time with family and friends that matters.
Though I have no voice like an angel but I am able to sing and praise God’s wonder.
Though our love ones have left us sooner but I knew that they are with God and we will join them later.
Though everyday there is news in the world that make us sadden but we know that God’s love for us never withers.
May the love of God continue to bless and keep us in the next coming year.
Tha last but not least, may the love of God touches your heart as it does to me.
For this , I will like to Thank YOU!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
I have been thinking about Courage for the past two weeks and so many things are happening that revolving with Courage. Did a check on dictionary for the definition and here it is:
1. the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.
2. Obsolete. the heart as the source of emotion.
3. have the courage of one's convictions, to act in accordance with one's beliefs, esp. in spite of criticism.
Point number 3 truly appeals to me and set me thinking....to act in one's beliefs in spite of criticism......some will say that this action is a act of a fool but for those who truly believe in their choice and stick to their decision through thick and thin, it does take courage.
How about others, what does courage means to them?
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Quotes from Lao Tsu
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Quotes from Reinhold Niebuhr
Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.
Quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson
Remember, always give your best. Never get discouraged. Never be petty. Always remember, others may hate you. But those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.
Quotes from Richard M.Nixon
So many quotes from so many great man but true courage is a lone man path.
1. the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.
2. Obsolete. the heart as the source of emotion.
3. have the courage of one's convictions, to act in accordance with one's beliefs, esp. in spite of criticism.
Point number 3 truly appeals to me and set me thinking....to act in one's beliefs in spite of criticism......some will say that this action is a act of a fool but for those who truly believe in their choice and stick to their decision through thick and thin, it does take courage.
How about others, what does courage means to them?
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Quotes from Lao Tsu
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Quotes from Reinhold Niebuhr
Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.
Quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson
Remember, always give your best. Never get discouraged. Never be petty. Always remember, others may hate you. But those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.
Quotes from Richard M.Nixon
So many quotes from so many great man but true courage is a lone man path.
Monday, December 22, 2008
The best gift on earth

What can I ask more when I have received the best gift on earth? Nothing can compare to God's gift of sunshine in Christmas which is life; candlelight in Christmas which is faith; the warmth from all in Christmas which is Love...and the all of Christmas, which is Christ.
Merry Christmas to all! May our love of God grow deep within us all!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Great Quote by Roger Anderson
I was wondering what to write for my Christmas Cards and came across this wonderful quote that I will love to share with all.
"Let us be very careful not to fall into the trap of the world. The world views things only relative to man and to self. The Word of God views things relative to the Father, Son, and Spirit. Mankind is not the center of all things. No matter how great anyone's name might become, it is still far behind His. Our name comes from His life; the name of our Lord comes from the resurrection--the event unique to Him. The world has a problem; it seeks to honor, uphold, exonerate and generally praise itself. Our place and the place of the entire world system is to praise and exalt God. When people of the Bible caught a glimpse of Him, their lives were changed. Perhaps our lives remain stagnate because we do not spend enough time looking at Him."
May all find joy, love and peace in this christmas as our Father from heaven has given us the best gift ever....eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
"Let us be very careful not to fall into the trap of the world. The world views things only relative to man and to self. The Word of God views things relative to the Father, Son, and Spirit. Mankind is not the center of all things. No matter how great anyone's name might become, it is still far behind His. Our name comes from His life; the name of our Lord comes from the resurrection--the event unique to Him. The world has a problem; it seeks to honor, uphold, exonerate and generally praise itself. Our place and the place of the entire world system is to praise and exalt God. When people of the Bible caught a glimpse of Him, their lives were changed. Perhaps our lives remain stagnate because we do not spend enough time looking at Him."
May all find joy, love and peace in this christmas as our Father from heaven has given us the best gift ever....eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
In Memoriam: Ms. Lo Hwei Yen
I was listening to this song and find the situation in the lyrics so similar to the feeling one must have felt in the Mumbai Attack.
This is to all who lost their loved one.
林俊杰- cries in a distance
This is to all who lost their loved one.
林俊杰- cries in a distance
Friday, November 28, 2008
Mumbai Hostage Attack
Thanks to the care and concern from my relatives. They called to make sure that I was not in Mumbai and I was very touch. Some of them is not aware that I have change job and do not need to travel anymore. Thanks to God's blessing, I was able to find a stable job before the economy slowdown and doing my studies now.
As for the Mumbai hostage attack, although I am safe now in Singapore but will always keep my prayers for those that are still working there especially for Charmaine, a strong lady from Singapore which I have came across. She is working alone there leaving her family in Singapore. Her family must be very worried and may the Lord our Father keep her safe.
For those who lost their love ones in this incident, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Amen!
As for the Mumbai hostage attack, although I am safe now in Singapore but will always keep my prayers for those that are still working there especially for Charmaine, a strong lady from Singapore which I have came across. She is working alone there leaving her family in Singapore. Her family must be very worried and may the Lord our Father keep her safe.
For those who lost their love ones in this incident, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Amen!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Recession Tsunami wave
Heard and read so much news about recession, economy slowdown in the papers recently but I did not really feel the impact yet as my friends and I was blessed.
I felt the ripples when I was in Orchard road for my class last weekend. Christmas is near but there were very few christmas deco compare to previous years and I also notice that many people are not shopping. This year is so quiet compare to the last 5 years. Is the recession going to be bad?
I think it must be true when I was doing some job posting for my company. I was shocked to find some big shots or people that use to be directors or head of department trying to get a executive position and most of the applicants are from the banking industry. Some are even holding a few Degrees with MBA and they are usually from India and other neighbour countries.
Now I can fully understand why so many people are stressing the importance of a good resume and cover letter. If you are reading a few hundred resumes in a day, you might not even give those poor one a second look. As mention by my econs lecturer, a funny email address like freakme_hotmail.com might end your resume in the trash bin.
So just a piece of advise to my dear friends if you are planning to change jobs or sending out a resume. Recession is coming and if you are holding on to any jobs, please stay put. This is not the time to quit without a job and please do not give reasons like change of enviroment in your reason for leaving. The time is bad and many people with MBA are asking for jobs as low as $1800. So think twice before you act!
I felt the ripples when I was in Orchard road for my class last weekend. Christmas is near but there were very few christmas deco compare to previous years and I also notice that many people are not shopping. This year is so quiet compare to the last 5 years. Is the recession going to be bad?
I think it must be true when I was doing some job posting for my company. I was shocked to find some big shots or people that use to be directors or head of department trying to get a executive position and most of the applicants are from the banking industry. Some are even holding a few Degrees with MBA and they are usually from India and other neighbour countries.
Now I can fully understand why so many people are stressing the importance of a good resume and cover letter. If you are reading a few hundred resumes in a day, you might not even give those poor one a second look. As mention by my econs lecturer, a funny email address like freakme_hotmail.com might end your resume in the trash bin.
So just a piece of advise to my dear friends if you are planning to change jobs or sending out a resume. Recession is coming and if you are holding on to any jobs, please stay put. This is not the time to quit without a job and please do not give reasons like change of enviroment in your reason for leaving. The time is bad and many people with MBA are asking for jobs as low as $1800. So think twice before you act!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Testimony by Sammi
Wow...found this in Youtube...a testimony by Sammi.
She's one of my fav Hong Kong singer.
Her vocal is still so powerful and I can really feel her passion and her belief in this song.
Hope you like it as much as I do.
She's one of my fav Hong Kong singer.
Her vocal is still so powerful and I can really feel her passion and her belief in this song.
Hope you like it as much as I do.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Inflation of Zimbabwe...worst than a roller coster
I was recently doing my pre assignment for my Econs and I was shock to find that Zimbabwe is suffering such high inflation in this era. Studies of inflation also make me realise that how fortunate we are to be born in Singapore. Even Gong Li want to be a Singaporean and we are lucky to be born one. I always think that there we have a choice in whatever we do. A choice to be a happy or sad in whatever situation but you can't choose where to be born and born into which family.
Seeing the situation in Zimbabwe make me realise that we are God bless being born here even though we are not in a rich family.
Below are the readings of Zimbabwe from my assigment.
Zimbabwe is one of the recent countries in the 20th century that suffers greatly from inflation. (Source: Anonymous, 2008. Zimbabwe inflation hits 100,000%. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7255588.stm)
Their economy has been in trouble for the past seven years with long term shortage of food and fuel. About 80 percent of the country population lives in poverty and over these few years their inflation has hits an annual rate of 100,000%. (Source: Angus Shaw, 2008. Zimbabwe inflation passes 100,000% officials say. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/feb/22/zimbabwe)
It fact their inflation or better known as hyper inflation was so great that over ten days difference, the exchange rate of Zimbabwe Dollar, ZWD to 1USD shoot up from $70,000 to $1,000,000 a jump of 14.28%. (Source: Chipo. This is Zimbabwe, 2008. Hyper-inflation, genocide and rock-bottom http://www.sokwanele.com/thisiszimbabwe/archives/2164 )
Image a meal that cost $10,000 just 10 days ago is now $142,800. How can a fixed salary worker of $1,500,000 able to survive with his pay. He will need to worry about the cost of food tomorrow due to the instability of the currency. How can he be able to work in such a stage? Worrying if the day’s work is enough to buy a loaf of bread tomorrow or who will still willing to work at a fixed salary in this situation. Even if the pay is given by per day but they must spend it on food and will not keep it as they are unable to predict the inflation tomorrow. There is no point in saving the money in the bank as the 10 million you have today is not even able to buy an egg tomorrow.
How about firms and companies? In such a situation, workers will not be willing to work with a fixed salary unless they are paying in USD instead of ZWD. Even if there are people who are willing to work but how about the consumers? Are they willing to spend? If the company is providing service instead of goods which are not essential to their daily needs, will the consumer buy it from them? Consumers have only limited cash and the value is depreciating by the days therefore they will not be willing to spend on luxury goods. Firms offering luxury goods and service will get the direct hit. Firms that are in the production sector will also face the challenge. Are they able to calculate their cost and mark up their goods at the right pricing? Too much and the people cannot afford but too low the price, they will not cover for the cost.
The uncertainty of the market will not bring in investors for the country as the investors were unable to predict the rate of investment and returns. With no or less investors, job creation by the market demand will be limited too. It will become a cycle and the nation and its’ people will continue to suffer.
Will anyone or groups or people benefit from such situation? The answer is yes too as those that are in debts will benefit greatly if their debts are in ZWD instead of USD.
But this is temporarily as the overall country is suffering and the cost of living will become higher which will also have impact on this minority that seems to enjoy some benefits at first. On the long run, the whole economy of the country will be in a bad stage and difficult to recover.
Seeing the situation in Zimbabwe make me realise that we are God bless being born here even though we are not in a rich family.
Below are the readings of Zimbabwe from my assigment.
Zimbabwe is one of the recent countries in the 20th century that suffers greatly from inflation. (Source: Anonymous, 2008. Zimbabwe inflation hits 100,000%. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7255588.stm)
Their economy has been in trouble for the past seven years with long term shortage of food and fuel. About 80 percent of the country population lives in poverty and over these few years their inflation has hits an annual rate of 100,000%. (Source: Angus Shaw, 2008. Zimbabwe inflation passes 100,000% officials say. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/feb/22/zimbabwe)
It fact their inflation or better known as hyper inflation was so great that over ten days difference, the exchange rate of Zimbabwe Dollar, ZWD to 1USD shoot up from $70,000 to $1,000,000 a jump of 14.28%. (Source: Chipo. This is Zimbabwe, 2008. Hyper-inflation, genocide and rock-bottom http://www.sokwanele.com/thisiszimbabwe/archives/2164 )
Image a meal that cost $10,000 just 10 days ago is now $142,800. How can a fixed salary worker of $1,500,000 able to survive with his pay. He will need to worry about the cost of food tomorrow due to the instability of the currency. How can he be able to work in such a stage? Worrying if the day’s work is enough to buy a loaf of bread tomorrow or who will still willing to work at a fixed salary in this situation. Even if the pay is given by per day but they must spend it on food and will not keep it as they are unable to predict the inflation tomorrow. There is no point in saving the money in the bank as the 10 million you have today is not even able to buy an egg tomorrow.
How about firms and companies? In such a situation, workers will not be willing to work with a fixed salary unless they are paying in USD instead of ZWD. Even if there are people who are willing to work but how about the consumers? Are they willing to spend? If the company is providing service instead of goods which are not essential to their daily needs, will the consumer buy it from them? Consumers have only limited cash and the value is depreciating by the days therefore they will not be willing to spend on luxury goods. Firms offering luxury goods and service will get the direct hit. Firms that are in the production sector will also face the challenge. Are they able to calculate their cost and mark up their goods at the right pricing? Too much and the people cannot afford but too low the price, they will not cover for the cost.
The uncertainty of the market will not bring in investors for the country as the investors were unable to predict the rate of investment and returns. With no or less investors, job creation by the market demand will be limited too. It will become a cycle and the nation and its’ people will continue to suffer.
Will anyone or groups or people benefit from such situation? The answer is yes too as those that are in debts will benefit greatly if their debts are in ZWD instead of USD.
But this is temporarily as the overall country is suffering and the cost of living will become higher which will also have impact on this minority that seems to enjoy some benefits at first. On the long run, the whole economy of the country will be in a bad stage and difficult to recover.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thoughts after 爱是永不止息
Just wonder how many of you really finish the video from part 1 to part 5. How do you feel after watching? Envy of their love? Pity for Alice or sad that Ralph's life ended at his peak?
There are so many wants in our life in this world that seems to be never ending and it can never satisfy our heart. When was the last time that you feel abit disppointed or should I say empty after getting something that you want for a very long time? Or maybe you will say...is that all?
How about love? Do you feel insecure even though your love ones are next to you? We hunger for love, search high and low for it and yet when you found it, you feel happy only for awhile and start to feel insecure....why? Maybe I am just being 自我中心, everything is about me and my feelings but what's wrong with that? Being 自我中心...izzit this the trend or what everyone is about? But why am I unhappy still when I get what I want? 人心不足?
Watching the videos of Ralph and Alice make me realise that their love is not 不足 but they are so much that it fills up the heart 满满 of their friends and family. Why or how did they overcome? The sickness, the tension between Alice and Ralph's mum and so much more. Did their love for God make them stronger than others? I could not get it at first...Frankly speaking, I have watched this video a couple of times and at first, I was only touch about their love for each other. How can a couple love so deep for each other and they are barely wed for a month to receive such a blow.
But recently when I watched this again, the feelings are different. I was looking at their faith and pray that I have faith like them....able to trust God in all times. Am I able to have such faith in their shoes? I pray that I will have such faith one day and Dear Lord, I do hope that I will not fail you.
There are so many wants in our life in this world that seems to be never ending and it can never satisfy our heart. When was the last time that you feel abit disppointed or should I say empty after getting something that you want for a very long time? Or maybe you will say...is that all?
How about love? Do you feel insecure even though your love ones are next to you? We hunger for love, search high and low for it and yet when you found it, you feel happy only for awhile and start to feel insecure....why? Maybe I am just being 自我中心, everything is about me and my feelings but what's wrong with that? Being 自我中心...izzit this the trend or what everyone is about? But why am I unhappy still when I get what I want? 人心不足?
Watching the videos of Ralph and Alice make me realise that their love is not 不足 but they are so much that it fills up the heart 满满 of their friends and family. Why or how did they overcome? The sickness, the tension between Alice and Ralph's mum and so much more. Did their love for God make them stronger than others? I could not get it at first...Frankly speaking, I have watched this video a couple of times and at first, I was only touch about their love for each other. How can a couple love so deep for each other and they are barely wed for a month to receive such a blow.
But recently when I watched this again, the feelings are different. I was looking at their faith and pray that I have faith like them....able to trust God in all times. Am I able to have such faith in their shoes? I pray that I will have such faith one day and Dear Lord, I do hope that I will not fail you.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
These videos is the true story of Ralph and Alice. Through them, we witness the love they have for God and in return God bless them with love so pure and strong that it touches the heart of their family and friends.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Only the Love from God bears the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Only the Love from God bears the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Ruins of St.Paul's
My first impression of Ruins of St.Paul's was such a beautiful piece of work and how majestic it will be if the whole building other than the facade is still standing today. I even wonder why did God allow this buiding to be burnt down at the first place since he is the almighty God. I'm just like a naive child who do not understand the works of my Father but in my last trip, this was what I have learnt. God works in ways that we could never imagine.
If you have done some research about the Ruins of St' Paul, this is what you will have find:
“Built from 1582 to 1602 by the Jesuits, the cathedral was the largest Catholic church in Asia at the time, and the royalty of Europe vied with each other to bestow upon the cathedral with the best gifts. With the decline in importance of Macau, which was overtaken as the main port for the Pearl River Delta by Hong Kong, the cathedral's fortunes similarly ebbed, and it was later destroyed by a fire during a typhoon in 1835.”
Something similar and yet different was told to me by a local staying in Macau.
"It was typhoon 8 when the fire broke out at St' Paul in 1835. During that time, Macau is a fishing village settlement where many chinese are staying at the edge of the sea. It was late at night when the typhoon strike and during those days, there were no street lamps or electric therefore it is very difficult for those people to tell the direction of higher grounds. It was this night that Cathedral of St. Paul was burnt. The large fire was not able to put out despite the fact that it was raining heavily on this very night and the blaze coming from the fire saved the life of those who are trying to run for the higher grounds. This fire came just at the right time."
Although some life were still lost but many are saved in return of St' Paul's burning. All that was left was the facade that we see standing today and it remind us of God's mercy and His love for us.
This is just one of the many wonders that God did which we can never truly understand if we do not seek His way. “Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always. Remember the wonders He has done.” (Psalm 105:3-5)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Everyone has a weakness and mine is obviously food. Most people eat to live but I am the other way...I live to eat. Cholesterol and fats are not in my life dictionary as there are no bad food but bad cooks. The recent depart of Uncle Paul seems like a warning signal to me. He too loves food as much as I do and due to lack of discipline, he was diagnose with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension and eventually death came early as he did not avoid those food which he should not be taking.
Although I am not suffering from any such illness but a recent cough was enough to keep me awake throughout the night. I have tried to avoid cold drinks and food such as desserts and sweet stuff but sometime the food is just too good to resist and my subsist cough was back.
Guess this is my first warning that I should stop giving in to the temptation of food. Everyone is weak in someway and I am no saint either...A simple cough is already testing my resistant. So dear friends, kindly prompt me when you see me stray away and try to steal a gulp of icy cold drink.
Although I am not suffering from any such illness but a recent cough was enough to keep me awake throughout the night. I have tried to avoid cold drinks and food such as desserts and sweet stuff but sometime the food is just too good to resist and my subsist cough was back.
Guess this is my first warning that I should stop giving in to the temptation of food. Everyone is weak in someway and I am no saint either...A simple cough is already testing my resistant. So dear friends, kindly prompt me when you see me stray away and try to steal a gulp of icy cold drink.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Death Note
Dearest Uncle Paul,
Though you have left us today but we should meet again someday. Thank you for all your care and concern all these years. Your laughter and your voice will be miss by all of us in Church. The choir is never the same the day you fall sick and absent, you are forever miss by us.
We have our tears but your depart is not forever for we know that you are only sleep in death thus we will not grieve like the rest that have no hope. You are our role model, our teacher as you are able to live the life of Christ. You have help and make a great impact to all around you. We grieve not for your death but for ourselves. I wonder if I can do as well as you when the Lord called me home one day.
I praise the Lord our God who wipe away the tears of your family. In Jesus we will find strength to live on and pass on your love to others affecting them just as you have done for me and my family. In God we believe that "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." as revealed in Revelation 21:4
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
Therefore, as sin came into the world through one man, and death as the result of sin, so death spread to all men, [no one being able to stop it or to escape its power] because all men sinned. (Romans 5:12)
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring us to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.
We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. (Romans 6:4)
I praise the Lord that free us all from the sufferings and thankful to Him that you no longer suffer.
In His Love,
Jo Jo
Though you have left us today but we should meet again someday. Thank you for all your care and concern all these years. Your laughter and your voice will be miss by all of us in Church. The choir is never the same the day you fall sick and absent, you are forever miss by us.
We have our tears but your depart is not forever for we know that you are only sleep in death thus we will not grieve like the rest that have no hope. You are our role model, our teacher as you are able to live the life of Christ. You have help and make a great impact to all around you. We grieve not for your death but for ourselves. I wonder if I can do as well as you when the Lord called me home one day.
I praise the Lord our God who wipe away the tears of your family. In Jesus we will find strength to live on and pass on your love to others affecting them just as you have done for me and my family. In God we believe that "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." as revealed in Revelation 21:4
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
Therefore, as sin came into the world through one man, and death as the result of sin, so death spread to all men, [no one being able to stop it or to escape its power] because all men sinned. (Romans 5:12)
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring us to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.
We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. (Romans 6:4)
I praise the Lord that free us all from the sufferings and thankful to Him that you no longer suffer.
In His Love,
Jo Jo
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Malamine here and malamine there...

Stupid melamine is found in milk, meat and eggs...so what is next. It has become a terror on what you are eating everyday. Always thinking if the food I am consuming contains melamine and if you are too safe...there seems to be very limited choice left for food. Well, you might think that as long as those food is not coming from china, they should be safe huh? No...look at the plastic container that dapao your food or the plastic utensils that we have been using and the technology of mircowaves and wireless gadgets...all these are killing our cells and increasing our death rate by the days. We can accept the high tech gadgets but not the melamine and both are killing us one way or another. Maybe it is not the fear of malamine but the fear of dying.
Been thinking alot recently about death...something that people always want to avoid. Why are we so afraid of death...izzit becos it is the end of everything? Why are we so afraid? As a chinese, there are many folk tales about death and where do you go or what will happen to you but they are just stories. Can anyone tell us or show us what happen after death?
Yes...the Bible actually did in the Chapter of Acts as well as the Four Gospal Book. After Jesus died and risen from the dead, he has appeared in front of 500 people at his time to prove that He has risen from the dead. So my next question is what is next? So can a person risen from the dead still get to enjoy food? Guess this is the only question that came across my chicken mind as I love my food and surprise surprise...the Bible again did reveal that Jesus was able to eat fish after he has risen from the dead...and the fish is not floating in mid-air after he swallow...LOL
Hmmm...so there is nothing to fear about death at all if you see from another point of view. In fact it is the pain of illness that is more terrible than death itself.
We have to reap what we sowed and we get sick on what we eat or over eat. This is the choice we have make so can't really blame others. Although many of you do not agree with me but our human race is slowly killing ourselves by tempting with the food due to greed or killing our cells with the technology we use.
Since Death is no longer an issue and we all have to die sooner or later, so I will feel less guilt when I order for my next steak...okie, as long as I am not over eating. If I did get ill, it is the choice I have make between choosing the steak or the steam fish so that is the price I have to pay.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Bad habit
Recently one of my close friend told me that I have a habit of signing which I have never notice before. She was puzzled as well as I was known for my cheerfulness therefore she has decided to catch me whenever I signed. After a week of monitoring by her....this was the conclusion, I will signed whenever I read about some terrible news in the web (My office table was next to hers) or when I called some companies which gave some bad services.
Guess I am doing it subconsciously and I was quite stunned too when I was caught in the action and once 5 times in a day. Think I better kick this bad habit before she has decided to fine me...
Guess I am doing it subconsciously and I was quite stunned too when I was caught in the action and once 5 times in a day. Think I better kick this bad habit before she has decided to fine me...
What is our Goal in life?
What is your Goal in your life? Most people will answer, Love, Money and Power. But are we truly happy when we have all these? Warren Buffett who was ranked by Forbes as the richest man in the world has all the 3 but was he truly happy? Well....only the man himself can tell you if he is happy but through his biography, he is a man that is uncomfortable with illness and death. No humans are spare from illness and death even the rich and if you read more about him, he is not very lucky with love either depending how you see it cos he has quite a handful of women in his life.
Will you say that he is the life you would have like to live with no regrets but why is he making amends now? After the death of his wife in year 2004, he came to understand that people matters and trying to make amends now to those that are still living.
This really makes me wonder...is Love, Money and Power really matters? I think they still do but this should not be the main motive or motivation of our lives. Found this article while doing some news reading, how many times did we hope that we can strike lottery but what if it ended like this?
Will you say that he is the life you would have like to live with no regrets but why is he making amends now? After the death of his wife in year 2004, he came to understand that people matters and trying to make amends now to those that are still living.
This really makes me wonder...is Love, Money and Power really matters? I think they still do but this should not be the main motive or motivation of our lives. Found this article while doing some news reading, how many times did we hope that we can strike lottery but what if it ended like this?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Q & A
Maybe most of my close friends are aware that I am now staying with my aunts but it was not an easy decision for me….once and for all…I am writing this down in the blog to clarify a few things
Did I move out willingly?
Yes and I was not kicked out of my house by my parents as some of you believe as I am a spinster and have to stay with my aunts and grandaunt since they are all spinsters. I moved out due to lack of room in my parent’s flat so that my 18 year old sister can share room with my other sister. I thought it will be better for everyone since my previous job requires lots of traveling and I was seldom at home due to that reason.
Did I regret moving out?
Yes and No.
Yes because I had quit that job and now was holding a job that does not require travel thus I am not able to move back to my parent’s place. What is done cannot be undone and I have to fork out more $$ each month to contribute to water and electricity bills at my aunt’s place….lucky thing is I do not need to pay rent.
No because I get to learn and adapt to new things all over again and be more appreciative towards my mum. I feel that I can be a better person through this process.
What difficulties did I face?
Rules and more rules…so many new house rules and I have to unlearn my old habits and learn new one. Some example of new house rules:
1) All lights off after 12pm. (I used to sleep at 2am lor)
2) No TV after 11pm. ( No more Japanese Animation and DVD drama chasing)
3) House curfew at 12pm. (No more mid-nights show and late night hangout)
4) Wake up latest by 9am even on weekends. (Alamak…cannot sleep late on sat)
5) No Air-Con in the house. (Was unable to sleep the first week…too pamper le)
6) No loud noise after 9pm as grandaunt is asleep. (Cannot even laugh lor…when watching my fav 10pm drama)
I think the list will just grow longer and longer so I better stop for now…guess it is not easy ….lucky they are my aunts and know me since young….can’t image if they are in-laws or housemate, maybe they will be less tolerant towards me.
Some of you think that this is such a wrong decision but relation between my family is better and I see this as a training ….I hope to become a better person for my family and friends…living my life with no regrets.
Did I move out willingly?
Yes and I was not kicked out of my house by my parents as some of you believe as I am a spinster and have to stay with my aunts and grandaunt since they are all spinsters. I moved out due to lack of room in my parent’s flat so that my 18 year old sister can share room with my other sister. I thought it will be better for everyone since my previous job requires lots of traveling and I was seldom at home due to that reason.
Did I regret moving out?
Yes and No.
Yes because I had quit that job and now was holding a job that does not require travel thus I am not able to move back to my parent’s place. What is done cannot be undone and I have to fork out more $$ each month to contribute to water and electricity bills at my aunt’s place….lucky thing is I do not need to pay rent.
No because I get to learn and adapt to new things all over again and be more appreciative towards my mum. I feel that I can be a better person through this process.
What difficulties did I face?
Rules and more rules…so many new house rules and I have to unlearn my old habits and learn new one. Some example of new house rules:
1) All lights off after 12pm. (I used to sleep at 2am lor)
2) No TV after 11pm. ( No more Japanese Animation and DVD drama chasing)
3) House curfew at 12pm. (No more mid-nights show and late night hangout)
4) Wake up latest by 9am even on weekends. (Alamak…cannot sleep late on sat)
5) No Air-Con in the house. (Was unable to sleep the first week…too pamper le)
6) No loud noise after 9pm as grandaunt is asleep. (Cannot even laugh lor…when watching my fav 10pm drama)
I think the list will just grow longer and longer so I better stop for now…guess it is not easy ….lucky they are my aunts and know me since young….can’t image if they are in-laws or housemate, maybe they will be less tolerant towards me.
Some of you think that this is such a wrong decision but relation between my family is better and I see this as a training ….I hope to become a better person for my family and friends…living my life with no regrets.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Have you ever played this game "Pass The Message" down to the next person in line and the last person with the correct message wins for the team. Usually people will end up with broken message and create their own message along the way and the result was a total different message from the original message that was passed down.
This is a simple example of miscommunication. I have another sample saved as attached. Sometime such error can causes death and hurt to others... once again this make me wonder the percentage of truth that was said by others and listened by me which was pass on to another?
Even people that went into the same movie will come out with different views of the story, this is due to the way the brain analyzing the message differently but when they are asked on the facts of the story, they were usually the same as these people have watched the same movie.
All of the above is just points that makes me relate to the Bible. I used to treat the Bible like another history book or story book. There are so many interesting stories which we have learnt from young like the Boy with five loaves and two fishes, Daniel in the Lion's Den, David and Goliath and many more which you might able to tell me too even though you are not a Christian.
How real or how much is truth written in the Bible...who wrote it? Could it be gossip or just make to believe stories that was pass down to us like 'Pass the Message"? The more I questioned and the more amazed I get.
Do you know that the New Testament, there are four books that are by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John that records the life of Jesus and His teaching. It is not one but four. If this is just a story and not true witness by them, what were written will not be the same as there are four person with four different views and thoughts. They surely will not be the same but they are. The usage of words are different but the facts is the same, similar to those people that have gone for the same movie. Their feelings might be different but the facts are the same. The verse below was found in 2Peter chapter 1 verse 20 to 21 which has answered my doubt.
2Peter chapter 1 verse 20 to 21:
20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation of things. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, through human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
High competition
Recession...slow down in economy. Hard to find job? You bet, now you not only need to fight with the foreign expatriate but you have to fight with the Monkeys too.
As a saying goes...Monkey see Monkey do....
As a saying goes...Monkey see Monkey do....
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
It could be Me!!!

I was reading this newspaper article and really empathy for this man (Please refer to article above).
This could happen to me too if I could not handle my anger and in fact this is happening all around us every day. Maybe some are lucky and did not end like him.
One thing lead to another and in that split second, a wrong decision make and a life was taken. I have list out the whole process and the cause as follow:
1) Woke up late, miss appointment to see his son Angry level climbing
2) Quarrel over the phone with ex-wife. Emotion turns from angry to frustration.
3) Most likely received cold shoulder treatment from step daughter when arrived at the flat. Frustration level climbing
4) Heated argument about the beatings of his son and argument turn into physical violent and death was the result.
The waking up late and the feeling of angry is so common. Next is the quarrel, maybe not so often but definitely happened at least a few time in our life time.
Cold shoulder treatment like as though you are transparent. Maybe still alright if the mood is normal but always will spark off to arguments when in a bad mood, especially if you get this treatment from someone close.
Point number 4 is extreme and so far I have only experience twice for a heated argument with some violent like pushing but I could not imagine what will happened if all was added up. Could it happen to me? Am I capable of killing someone in that spit of angry?
The thought jus freeze me. In order not to end up in any of such situation, I should better keep my temper at check.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Is that all? It was but not anymore…at least for me.
I was reading my friend’s blog and the question he asked used to be what I was asking myself before. Finally after much trouble, you have got what you want or complete a challenging task and you just feel so empty. Is that all? Not sure how many of you out there is also asking the same question but I did. Or after you have finish watching a long Korean drama which has a happy ending (most have bad ending mind you). I mean you should feel happy right? Hey….the poor couple finally got married after going through so much difficulty and it is a happy ending but why do I still feel so empty?
I used to feel that way too until recently I think…..maybe just a few months back. It’s just amazing and I can laugh at myself now. Why didn’t I realize it earlier but I guess this is the path of life that has to be discovered by oneself and I really am lost of words to describe it. Maybe this is the reason why I start to blog…to share ideas with you my friends and maybe you too will also understand…maybe in the future.
Kind of confusing right? I am like beating around the bush again but I am just lost in translation for this kind of feeling…it is pure joy that cannot be describe. It’s like the truth is lying in front of you all this time and you never see it and one day you just see it …it’s always there waiting for you to see it.
How should I start or explain it in a much simpler way. It is a choice, the choice is yours and mine to choose to see it or ignore it. But once you have make the choice of seeing it, the greatness is so overwhelming that you could not ignore it anymore.
For me, the choice is accepting Jesus Christ in my life. Okie…I know, many of you will say that I am a Christian since birth so what do I mean right? Yes, I am born and raised in a Christian family but understand the meaning of the Bible and accepting Jesus Christ is totally another different thing. I mean …look around you, do you see people around you that are Christian and yet doing a lot of terrible things that even non believers (those people without or other religions) will not do. Just look in the newspaper and you will find sex cult churches or cheating of money by Father (A Church Father). Terrible crimes and sins by human or those who changed the truth of God into a lie. How can one believe in God or His existence after witnessing all these?
I have my own doubts too although I do believe in God’s existence but it is easier to deny it than acknowledging it for me. Accepting God’s existence means going to church every Sunday during my teens, believing in God means giving up 10 percent of my earnings and much more since I am an adult. It is always easier to run away from all this and refuse to see the truth.
I was so self centered then and living my life the way I like. Everything is about me, myself, my feelings, my wants and I was not happy even after I have my ways and this is always my question…..Is that all?
I used to feel that way too until recently I think…..maybe just a few months back. It’s just amazing and I can laugh at myself now. Why didn’t I realize it earlier but I guess this is the path of life that has to be discovered by oneself and I really am lost of words to describe it. Maybe this is the reason why I start to blog…to share ideas with you my friends and maybe you too will also understand…maybe in the future.
Kind of confusing right? I am like beating around the bush again but I am just lost in translation for this kind of feeling…it is pure joy that cannot be describe. It’s like the truth is lying in front of you all this time and you never see it and one day you just see it …it’s always there waiting for you to see it.
How should I start or explain it in a much simpler way. It is a choice, the choice is yours and mine to choose to see it or ignore it. But once you have make the choice of seeing it, the greatness is so overwhelming that you could not ignore it anymore.
For me, the choice is accepting Jesus Christ in my life. Okie…I know, many of you will say that I am a Christian since birth so what do I mean right? Yes, I am born and raised in a Christian family but understand the meaning of the Bible and accepting Jesus Christ is totally another different thing. I mean …look around you, do you see people around you that are Christian and yet doing a lot of terrible things that even non believers (those people without or other religions) will not do. Just look in the newspaper and you will find sex cult churches or cheating of money by Father (A Church Father). Terrible crimes and sins by human or those who changed the truth of God into a lie. How can one believe in God or His existence after witnessing all these?
I have my own doubts too although I do believe in God’s existence but it is easier to deny it than acknowledging it for me. Accepting God’s existence means going to church every Sunday during my teens, believing in God means giving up 10 percent of my earnings and much more since I am an adult. It is always easier to run away from all this and refuse to see the truth.
I was so self centered then and living my life the way I like. Everything is about me, myself, my feelings, my wants and I was not happy even after I have my ways and this is always my question…..Is that all?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Song for you my friends
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart....therefore my friends, open your heart and listen hard, live life today and with no regrets.
This is a song by Leo Koo which I would like to share with you, the lyrics here is in chinese version but the video attached below is in cantonese...sorry I was not able to find the chinese one but it is nice too and the meaning is the same. Enjoy!
This is a song by Leo Koo which I would like to share with you, the lyrics here is in chinese version but the video attached below is in cantonese...sorry I was not able to find the chinese one but it is nice too and the meaning is the same. Enjoy!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Is this what we called Family?
I was shock to read this from a local newspaper, an elderly women died for 3 days before being found by her son in the house. She stayed with her son's family in a four room flat in Singapore. This was published in Xi min or Lian He Wan Pao two nights ago.
How can her death go unnoticed for so many days which I cannot understand. Although my family is not very traditional but it is always a habit to inform the elderly that we are back when we reached home and asked them how's their day. Even during the time when my grandfather was lying on the bed and could not walk, we will go to his room and check on him and my aunt will attend to his daily meals and needs.
Therefore it is no excuse for the family not to notice her death. So what is the difference from having a family and living alone, especially to the older generation which still believe that having family around you at your death bed. But for this poor women, staying with her family is as good as none.
Everyday there are one or two bizarre news that will really question us as a human? What is happening to us?
How can her death go unnoticed for so many days which I cannot understand. Although my family is not very traditional but it is always a habit to inform the elderly that we are back when we reached home and asked them how's their day. Even during the time when my grandfather was lying on the bed and could not walk, we will go to his room and check on him and my aunt will attend to his daily meals and needs.
Therefore it is no excuse for the family not to notice her death. So what is the difference from having a family and living alone, especially to the older generation which still believe that having family around you at your death bed. But for this poor women, staying with her family is as good as none.
Everyday there are one or two bizarre news that will really question us as a human? What is happening to us?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
PowerSuite....my milestone in life
If there is no PowerSuite, I will not have a brunch of good friends now.
If there is no PowerSuite, I wonder what will I be doing now? My job experience might have change... will I be doing what I am doing now?
Guess it's about time to let it go.....so I am writting this now to put a full stop.
Someone once says
Man's time is yesterday as we keep looking back...and comparing it with today
God's time is today as the bible has say that we should do and try our very best for Today
Devil's time is tomorrow, always tempting us to be lazy and push things till tomorrow.
Thus I shall give Thanks to Yesterday and live my Life for Today.
If there is no PowerSuite, I wonder what will I be doing now? My job experience might have change... will I be doing what I am doing now?
Guess it's about time to let it go.....so I am writting this now to put a full stop.
Someone once says
Man's time is yesterday as we keep looking back...and comparing it with today
God's time is today as the bible has say that we should do and try our very best for Today
Devil's time is tomorrow, always tempting us to be lazy and push things till tomorrow.
Thus I shall give Thanks to Yesterday and live my Life for Today.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Woes and Worries
GDP is less than 4 – 5 percent forecast this year for Singapore. Cost of living going up and all expenses are growing except my pay. Toxic milk scare, avoid all dairy products from china. Receive sms from friend...what a long list of ‘Do not eat item’
1. M & M's
2. Snickers
3. Mento's yoghurt bottle
4. Dove Chocolate
5. Oreo Wafer sticks
6.. Monmilk
7. Dutch Lady sterilised milk
8. Wall's all natural mango
9. Mini poppers ice cream
10. Manum ice cream
11. Moo sandwich ice cream
12. Mini Cornetto
13. Youcan ice cream
I wonder what will happen next? Life is already so stressful with my growing age and lack of luck in love...but I feel recharge after reading this:
(Luke chapter 12 verse 23 to 32)
Is not life more than food, and the body than its clothing? 24 Give thought to the ravens; they do not put seeds into the earth, or get together grain; they have no store-houses or buildings; and God gives them their food: of how much greater value are you than the birds! 25 And which of you by taking thought is able to make himself any taller? 26 If, then, you are not able to do even that which is least, why are you troubled about the rest? 27 Give thought to the flowers: they do no work, they make no thread; and still I say to you, Even Solomon, in all his glory, was not clothed like one of these. 28 But if God gives such clothing to the grass in the field, which today is living, and tomorrow will be burned in the oven, how much more will he give clothing to you, O men of little faith? 29 And do not give overmuch thought to your food and drink, and let not your mind be full of doubts. 30 For the nations of the world go in search of all these things: but your Father has knowledge that you have need of them. 31 But let your chief care be for his kingdom, and these other things will be given to you in addition. 32 Have no fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
1. M & M's
2. Snickers
3. Mento's yoghurt bottle
4. Dove Chocolate
5. Oreo Wafer sticks
6.. Monmilk
7. Dutch Lady sterilised milk
8. Wall's all natural mango
9. Mini poppers ice cream
10. Manum ice cream
11. Moo sandwich ice cream
12. Mini Cornetto
13. Youcan ice cream
I wonder what will happen next? Life is already so stressful with my growing age and lack of luck in love...but I feel recharge after reading this:
(Luke chapter 12 verse 23 to 32)
Is not life more than food, and the body than its clothing? 24 Give thought to the ravens; they do not put seeds into the earth, or get together grain; they have no store-houses or buildings; and God gives them their food: of how much greater value are you than the birds! 25 And which of you by taking thought is able to make himself any taller? 26 If, then, you are not able to do even that which is least, why are you troubled about the rest? 27 Give thought to the flowers: they do no work, they make no thread; and still I say to you, Even Solomon, in all his glory, was not clothed like one of these. 28 But if God gives such clothing to the grass in the field, which today is living, and tomorrow will be burned in the oven, how much more will he give clothing to you, O men of little faith? 29 And do not give overmuch thought to your food and drink, and let not your mind be full of doubts. 30 For the nations of the world go in search of all these things: but your Father has knowledge that you have need of them. 31 But let your chief care be for his kingdom, and these other things will be given to you in addition. 32 Have no fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Human – Nothing but disappointment
Looking at the recent case of toxic milk in China, it disturbs me deeply. Once again the greed of mankind has produced another tragic. What is happening to us? Although this is happening in China and not in Singapore but I still feel sick after reading all the news on the tainted milk added with melamine, normally used in making plastics.
Will we learn our lesson? Guess not….Mad cow disease had barely pass and now this.
For so many century, human without fail fall again and again due to greed, ignorance etc...Like the bible has say, all man are sinners and we will be disappointed when we look at deeds of man. May God have mercy on us and keep us safe always, Amen.
Will we learn our lesson? Guess not….Mad cow disease had barely pass and now this.
For so many century, human without fail fall again and again due to greed, ignorance etc...Like the bible has say, all man are sinners and we will be disappointed when we look at deeds of man. May God have mercy on us and keep us safe always, Amen.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
It just dawn on me
For those fellows Christian out there...Do you ever feel like God is talking to you through thoughts? How do you know it is not your mind playing tricks on you? How do you know this is a message from God?
I think this is the challenge we all faced but the Bible did reveal that God will make himself known to us so I guess this is the same for his message and the way he communicate to us.
Something funny happened in church today...they actually play pop song during sermon and although what was shared and preached today is about sharing in the words of Christ and the verse used are as follow:
John: Chapter 15 verse 1 – 17 and Philippians: Chapter 2 verse 1 -13
Maybe I was enjoying this song by Tension – “I’ll be with you “during the sermon but these song lyrics jus caught my attention:
I'll be with you, yeah... whenever you go朋友no no no
往往快乐就在你我的眼前 却因为悲观什么都看不见
幸福并不是只会存在一瞬间 抬起头来不要再自我可怜
你要发现生命的珍贵 Everything is coming your way
或许我想得太多 让自己好累
就怕这个不对 那个不对 做的不对爱的不对
失去了信心面对 你给我力量点燃心中的希望
Remember I'll be with you You'll be with me
You know I'll be with youYou'll be with me
在你梦想出现 爱它一直存在你的生命中
That's right 恩瑞 重担交给我不要压力这么重
放行自己才能追寻你的梦 你要发现生命的珍贵
Everything is coming your way 或许我想得太多
让自己好累 就怕这个不对 那个不对 做的不对 爱的不对
失去了信心面对 你给我力量点燃心中的希望
Remember I'll be with you You'll be with me
伸出你只手我就随时会出现 You know I'll be with you
终於明白曾经失去什么 我的爱不再沉没听见你呼唤我
Rap: Hey! I'll be there for you brother and you'll be there for me
我将会记住这份友情永远不会忘记So counton me
And put your trust in me because you gonna believe that I'll be with you
陪你渡过大风大浪 Don't worry about a thing
提起你的胸膛跟我们共同追逐梦想with me
每一天 每一夜 每一分钟 每一秒
I'll be watching over you I'll be with you
Say the words 我随时就会出现 在你身边 Standing-by
your side Remember I'll be with you You'll be with me
伸出你只手我就随时会出现 You'll know I'll be
It just dawn on me that this song was written from Jesus point of view. Okie...maybe you guys think I am funny to think that way but in the lyrics about being with you every day every nite every min and every sec...hello...please tell me who can do it? As a parent or a husband or girlfriend, you can’t do that so tell me who on earth can do that?
I think this is the challenge we all faced but the Bible did reveal that God will make himself known to us so I guess this is the same for his message and the way he communicate to us.
Something funny happened in church today...they actually play pop song during sermon and although what was shared and preached today is about sharing in the words of Christ and the verse used are as follow:
John: Chapter 15 verse 1 – 17 and Philippians: Chapter 2 verse 1 -13
Maybe I was enjoying this song by Tension – “I’ll be with you “during the sermon but these song lyrics jus caught my attention:
I'll be with you, yeah... whenever you go朋友no no no
往往快乐就在你我的眼前 却因为悲观什么都看不见
幸福并不是只会存在一瞬间 抬起头来不要再自我可怜
你要发现生命的珍贵 Everything is coming your way
或许我想得太多 让自己好累
就怕这个不对 那个不对 做的不对爱的不对
失去了信心面对 你给我力量点燃心中的希望
Remember I'll be with you You'll be with me
You know I'll be with youYou'll be with me
在你梦想出现 爱它一直存在你的生命中
That's right 恩瑞 重担交给我不要压力这么重
放行自己才能追寻你的梦 你要发现生命的珍贵
Everything is coming your way 或许我想得太多
让自己好累 就怕这个不对 那个不对 做的不对 爱的不对
失去了信心面对 你给我力量点燃心中的希望
Remember I'll be with you You'll be with me
伸出你只手我就随时会出现 You know I'll be with you
终於明白曾经失去什么 我的爱不再沉没听见你呼唤我
Rap: Hey! I'll be there for you brother and you'll be there for me
我将会记住这份友情永远不会忘记So counton me
And put your trust in me because you gonna believe that I'll be with you
陪你渡过大风大浪 Don't worry about a thing
提起你的胸膛跟我们共同追逐梦想with me
每一天 每一夜 每一分钟 每一秒
I'll be watching over you I'll be with you
Say the words 我随时就会出现 在你身边 Standing-by
your side Remember I'll be with you You'll be with me
伸出你只手我就随时会出现 You'll know I'll be
It just dawn on me that this song was written from Jesus point of view. Okie...maybe you guys think I am funny to think that way but in the lyrics about being with you every day every nite every min and every sec...hello...please tell me who can do it? As a parent or a husband or girlfriend, you can’t do that so tell me who on earth can do that?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Comparing my life with Jesus
Ya….that guy who got himself kill in that movie...’Passion of the Christ’...or was he the guy that married Mary Magdalene in that book ‘The Da Vinci Code’? So many arguments have revolved around him and so many other people got famous because of Him...at least Dan Brown did.
According to the Bible, He started preaching at the age of 30 and died on the cross at 33. In such a short time...3 and half years, why is this one man have such a great impact on us in our world today?
Did you know the meaning of BC and AD which always appear in the years? I found this in one of the website:
“It is commonly thought that BC stands for "before Christ" and AD stands for "after death." This is only half correct. How could 1 B.C. have been "before Christ" and 1 A.D. been "after death"? BC does stand for "before Christ." AD actually stands for the Latin phrase "anno domini" which means "in the year of our Lord." The B.C. / A.D. dating system is not taught in the Bible. It actually was not fully implemented and accepted until several centuries after Jesus' death.
It is interesting to note that the purpose of the BC / AD dating system was to make the birth of Jesus Christ the dividing point of world history. However, when the B.C. / A.D. system was being calculated, they actually made a mistake in pinpointing the year of Jesus' birth. Scholars later discovered that Jesus was actually born in around 4-6 BC, not 0 AD. That is not the crucial issue. The birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ are the "turning points" in world history. It is fitting, therefore, that Jesus Christ be the separation of "old" and "new." BC was "before Christ" and since His birth, we have been living "in the year of our Lord." Philippians 2:10-11, "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
Wow...this really got me to question who this guy is. Died at the age of 33 and was able to have such an impact to the world...amazing.
According to the Bible, He started preaching at the age of 30 and died on the cross at 33. In such a short time...3 and half years, why is this one man have such a great impact on us in our world today?
Did you know the meaning of BC and AD which always appear in the years? I found this in one of the website:
“It is commonly thought that BC stands for "before Christ" and AD stands for "after death." This is only half correct. How could 1 B.C. have been "before Christ" and 1 A.D. been "after death"? BC does stand for "before Christ." AD actually stands for the Latin phrase "anno domini" which means "in the year of our Lord." The B.C. / A.D. dating system is not taught in the Bible. It actually was not fully implemented and accepted until several centuries after Jesus' death.
It is interesting to note that the purpose of the BC / AD dating system was to make the birth of Jesus Christ the dividing point of world history. However, when the B.C. / A.D. system was being calculated, they actually made a mistake in pinpointing the year of Jesus' birth. Scholars later discovered that Jesus was actually born in around 4-6 BC, not 0 AD. That is not the crucial issue. The birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ are the "turning points" in world history. It is fitting, therefore, that Jesus Christ be the separation of "old" and "new." BC was "before Christ" and since His birth, we have been living "in the year of our Lord." Philippians 2:10-11, "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
Wow...this really got me to question who this guy is. Died at the age of 33 and was able to have such an impact to the world...amazing.
What is Life and it’s purpose?
I’m not sure about you….but there was a time that I keep asking myself, why am I here? What am I doing with my Life? Spend meaninglessly for so long….to do something great? Nay….not possible when my studies just barely make it....I am just a nobody.
This question keep popping up during my teens, my early twenties and now….at my thirties.
Looking back….I had not done anything great…and did no one harm so far…so live was pretty ordinary and sometimes I will compare with people that I seen on TV…wow…how they did that….those kids at such a young age, they got gold medal in the Olympic. They have such drive and aim in their live. Do you know your life purpose when you are born? How did one know?
This question keep popping up during my teens, my early twenties and now….at my thirties.
Looking back….I had not done anything great…and did no one harm so far…so live was pretty ordinary and sometimes I will compare with people that I seen on TV…wow…how they did that….those kids at such a young age, they got gold medal in the Olympic. They have such drive and aim in their live. Do you know your life purpose when you are born? How did one know?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Before & After (Part 2)
At certain stage of life, you might meet someone that betray your trust and so did I.
During my teens, I have a crush for this guy for quite some time and I confine in a galfriend of mine. She was a classmate whom I met in Shatec and we were quite close at that time. We always hang out together thus at one occasion, she was introduce to him by me. She told me that she will help me in this so I was very happy. They start to hang out together and I never suspect anything.
During a class chalet, she brought him along and introduces him to others as her boyfriend. I was shock and lost for words ...It is the first betrayal I encountered.
This is nothing compare to the famous betrayal of Jesus by his disciple, Judas (Pls refer to Mark Chapter 14 verse 43 – 52).
I have loved this person for the past 12 years. He got married 2 years back and may God bless and watch over him and his family.
When I first met him, he had jus broke up with his fiancée. She is a Christian jus like me. They were going to be married but broke up at the very last minute as he was not able to convert to Christianity. He is a free thinker and has a strong belief in no one but himself. Everything was good and seems perfect about him except of his belief.
I was not a strong Christian then and even hate my own religion for keeping us apart. We decided that time and being away from each other will be better for us thus he got married and settled down 2 years back.
Many friends say that I am foolish to let my happiness slip away but none knew it better than me. I have no confident in relationship as I have seen many much loving ones had failed. Can anyone guarantees a marriage or love that last forever?
Is there such a thing called true love? Like the one we see in movies or dramas? So perfect but so unreal and why do the people fear even in the movies or dramas? They have the perfect love but yet they still fear…..fear that death will keep them apart...fear that one gives up his or her own dreams to be with each other or even life for each other.
Isn’t this the great love that we are looking for in our own life? But why do we feel so empty or so hallow after watching such a movie or dramas of great love…..why do we feel so drain of emotion like the sky has no more colors but grey and the food just do not taste good anymore.
I am still searching for an answer but I knew that without God’s blessing, all kinds of worldly love will not last no matter how good it seems in the beginning.
For the bible has say in Romans 5 from verse 1 “Let us be at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; 2 Through whom, in the same way, we have been able by faith to come to this grace in which we now are; and let us have joy in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only so, but let us have joy in our troubles: in the knowledge that trouble gives us the power of waiting; 4 And waiting gives experience; and experience, hope: 5 And hope does not put to shame; because our hearts are full of the love of God through the Holy Spirit which is given to us.”
In short, the love we received from God is something that will fill us up and will never left us empty.
At certain stage of life, you might meet someone that betray your trust and so did I.
During my teens, I have a crush for this guy for quite some time and I confine in a galfriend of mine. She was a classmate whom I met in Shatec and we were quite close at that time. We always hang out together thus at one occasion, she was introduce to him by me. She told me that she will help me in this so I was very happy. They start to hang out together and I never suspect anything.
During a class chalet, she brought him along and introduces him to others as her boyfriend. I was shock and lost for words ...It is the first betrayal I encountered.
This is nothing compare to the famous betrayal of Jesus by his disciple, Judas (Pls refer to Mark Chapter 14 verse 43 – 52).
I have loved this person for the past 12 years. He got married 2 years back and may God bless and watch over him and his family.
When I first met him, he had jus broke up with his fiancée. She is a Christian jus like me. They were going to be married but broke up at the very last minute as he was not able to convert to Christianity. He is a free thinker and has a strong belief in no one but himself. Everything was good and seems perfect about him except of his belief.
I was not a strong Christian then and even hate my own religion for keeping us apart. We decided that time and being away from each other will be better for us thus he got married and settled down 2 years back.
Many friends say that I am foolish to let my happiness slip away but none knew it better than me. I have no confident in relationship as I have seen many much loving ones had failed. Can anyone guarantees a marriage or love that last forever?
Is there such a thing called true love? Like the one we see in movies or dramas? So perfect but so unreal and why do the people fear even in the movies or dramas? They have the perfect love but yet they still fear…..fear that death will keep them apart...fear that one gives up his or her own dreams to be with each other or even life for each other.
Isn’t this the great love that we are looking for in our own life? But why do we feel so empty or so hallow after watching such a movie or dramas of great love…..why do we feel so drain of emotion like the sky has no more colors but grey and the food just do not taste good anymore.
I am still searching for an answer but I knew that without God’s blessing, all kinds of worldly love will not last no matter how good it seems in the beginning.
For the bible has say in Romans 5 from verse 1 “Let us be at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; 2 Through whom, in the same way, we have been able by faith to come to this grace in which we now are; and let us have joy in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only so, but let us have joy in our troubles: in the knowledge that trouble gives us the power of waiting; 4 And waiting gives experience; and experience, hope: 5 And hope does not put to shame; because our hearts are full of the love of God through the Holy Spirit which is given to us.”
In short, the love we received from God is something that will fill us up and will never left us empty.
Before & After (Part1)
My whole family was baptized when I was barely 1 thus I can say that I was brought up in a Christian family. I don’t see a difference being raised up in a Christian family or any other family, there are still the norms….what you should do and what you should not do. The only differences I felt was that Sunday was always busy. Off to church in the morning and afternoon family gathering.
During my teens as conflict begin between me and my family, I start to dread Sunday. Why can’t I sleep late on Sunday, why can’t I watch my fav TV drama, why do I have to face the nagging of my relatives…..why, why why? There are so many reasons to stay at home or meeting friends that keeps me away from church.
Working became the best excuse in the later stage as I hate going to church. There are so many things out there that seem to be more important to me and church becomes my last priority. I start to drift away from God, from my family and chase after things that I thought were more important but I have no joy.
My relationship with God
It was not much to speak of…..pray only when in need, like before exams. The stories I know by heart from Sunday schools are just interesting stories. All these religious stuff are only guide lines like rules that you go by in life so that we are normal and behave the right way in society. In fact at some point, I thought all religion is the same so why do Christians go to church every Sunday ….there are other religion which require less of our time. Free thinker is the best as it requires no commitment at all. I only believe in myself.
My relationship with my Parents
I hate them at a stage.....they jus do not understand. There is no point in any form of communication; it is jus a waste of time. They love my sister more than me. I am a total failure in their eyes. I will always compare myself with my sister, why do mum and dad bring her to the zoo, to places of interest which I have never been. Why did the family outing became them and without me? Once I asked my mum, why there is double standard in our upbringing and her reply was....because I was ill treated by my baby sitter therefore she do not trust my sister in the care of a baby sitter anymore. I was shock by the reply……since I was the one being ill treated by the baby sitter so shouldn’t I be in a better care now? Guess they think that I am too old for such attention, I was 14 then.
It was the feeling of being abandon by my parents because I was not worthy. I hate them and I hate myself too. We have rows almost every day and I felt disgusted...who can love you if your parents don’t. The more abuse I hurl at them, I felt more hurt and angry and I do not understand why...shouldn’t I felt better?
Looking back now, I see the grace and the work of God’s miracles. At many times in those dark hours, I seek death but I did not succeed thus am able to laugh and feel the joy of life now. You might ask, did I truly able to put down the hatred I had and love my family again...Yes! I am able to love them again thru my Lord Jesus Christ.
For every mortal man sins...as we are born sinners. No one is perfect as we tend to hurt one another unintentionally. Parents are not saints, they will also make mistake and so do I. I have hurt them too as much as they have hurt me. By letting the hate goes, I feels lighter, happier than before. So my friend, did you hate someone before? Are you able to let it go?
During my teens as conflict begin between me and my family, I start to dread Sunday. Why can’t I sleep late on Sunday, why can’t I watch my fav TV drama, why do I have to face the nagging of my relatives…..why, why why? There are so many reasons to stay at home or meeting friends that keeps me away from church.
Working became the best excuse in the later stage as I hate going to church. There are so many things out there that seem to be more important to me and church becomes my last priority. I start to drift away from God, from my family and chase after things that I thought were more important but I have no joy.
My relationship with God
It was not much to speak of…..pray only when in need, like before exams. The stories I know by heart from Sunday schools are just interesting stories. All these religious stuff are only guide lines like rules that you go by in life so that we are normal and behave the right way in society. In fact at some point, I thought all religion is the same so why do Christians go to church every Sunday ….there are other religion which require less of our time. Free thinker is the best as it requires no commitment at all. I only believe in myself.
My relationship with my Parents
I hate them at a stage.....they jus do not understand. There is no point in any form of communication; it is jus a waste of time. They love my sister more than me. I am a total failure in their eyes. I will always compare myself with my sister, why do mum and dad bring her to the zoo, to places of interest which I have never been. Why did the family outing became them and without me? Once I asked my mum, why there is double standard in our upbringing and her reply was....because I was ill treated by my baby sitter therefore she do not trust my sister in the care of a baby sitter anymore. I was shock by the reply……since I was the one being ill treated by the baby sitter so shouldn’t I be in a better care now? Guess they think that I am too old for such attention, I was 14 then.
It was the feeling of being abandon by my parents because I was not worthy. I hate them and I hate myself too. We have rows almost every day and I felt disgusted...who can love you if your parents don’t. The more abuse I hurl at them, I felt more hurt and angry and I do not understand why...shouldn’t I felt better?
Looking back now, I see the grace and the work of God’s miracles. At many times in those dark hours, I seek death but I did not succeed thus am able to laugh and feel the joy of life now. You might ask, did I truly able to put down the hatred I had and love my family again...Yes! I am able to love them again thru my Lord Jesus Christ.
For every mortal man sins...as we are born sinners. No one is perfect as we tend to hurt one another unintentionally. Parents are not saints, they will also make mistake and so do I. I have hurt them too as much as they have hurt me. By letting the hate goes, I feels lighter, happier than before. So my friend, did you hate someone before? Are you able to let it go?
Why Life begin at 33
God will help those who help themselves…..this is so true. The world does not revolve around you and you only thus you have to make an effort to change it if you want it to be better.
As mention earlier, this blog is to share ideas and thoughts therefore why do life begin at 33? Have you seen Passion of the Christ? Or read the book by Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code? Have you ever wonder who this guy Jesus is and why are there movies, books about him? You might be thinking that I am trying to preach here…..No, this is not my intention. I am jus sharing my life here and questions that bug me before and answers I found. Maybe the same question troubles you too……so what was your answer? Was it the same or you have your own answer and can share it with me.
Back to age 33….this is the age that Jesus dies on the cross; you properly have seen it in Passion of the Christ. So why do life begin at 33? To me…..this is the beginning for our life. If He had not died at the age of 33, my life would not have begun. Sounds funny huh? Maybe you can understand what I am trying to say through my later post.
But before my next posting….can someone share with me the difference between happiness and joy? Is there a difference?
As mention earlier, this blog is to share ideas and thoughts therefore why do life begin at 33? Have you seen Passion of the Christ? Or read the book by Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code? Have you ever wonder who this guy Jesus is and why are there movies, books about him? You might be thinking that I am trying to preach here…..No, this is not my intention. I am jus sharing my life here and questions that bug me before and answers I found. Maybe the same question troubles you too……so what was your answer? Was it the same or you have your own answer and can share it with me.
Back to age 33….this is the age that Jesus dies on the cross; you properly have seen it in Passion of the Christ. So why do life begin at 33? To me…..this is the beginning for our life. If He had not died at the age of 33, my life would not have begun. Sounds funny huh? Maybe you can understand what I am trying to say through my later post.
But before my next posting….can someone share with me the difference between happiness and joy? Is there a difference?
Life before 33 (Part 2)
I started working at the age of 19. My ‘O’ level result sucks thus I am not able to get into any poly. I have a Hotel Management cert but it was not even comparable to ‘O’ level in international standard but I did learn something out of it…….customer service….something that I enjoy doing and became the core of my career path. After much twist and turn, I ended in Abacus Travel System. A place which I make lots of friends and gradually regained my confident in myself.
Turning Point
I have decided to go back to my studies and this is the begining of my turning point. Someone once told me that if you are at the bottom of anything, you have no choice but to take orders from people above even when you feel that the order is not right but with knowledge and capability, you will have more choices in your life.
This motivated me to pick myself up and try to learn more so that I can have more choices in my future.....without any qualification, your job choices are very limited no matter how hard you work.
You cannot teach a man anything; You can only help him find it within himself
Galileo {1564-1642}
Turning Point
I have decided to go back to my studies and this is the begining of my turning point. Someone once told me that if you are at the bottom of anything, you have no choice but to take orders from people above even when you feel that the order is not right but with knowledge and capability, you will have more choices in your life.
This motivated me to pick myself up and try to learn more so that I can have more choices in my future.....without any qualification, your job choices are very limited no matter how hard you work.
You cannot teach a man anything; You can only help him find it within himself
Galileo {1564-1642}
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Life before 33 (Part 1)
I am not 33 this year but I will be soon if nothing goes wrong.....hahaha but my purpose here is to share my life before 33.
Family background
Born the eldest to my parents who are Singaporean. Both side of my grandparents are from China, mainland Canton province so that makes me a pure cantonese....kind of rare for Singapore now as we are quite well mix like rojak. I have 2 younger sisters difference by 11 and 14 in age. “Wow” was always the respond I get whenever the age gap was revealed.
Yeah....I know it was a great gap but this was not something within my parents control during their days when medical is not very advance or should I say, we are not rich too so not much choice there.....so you can pretty guess what life will be install for me when they have their second kid.
Alright, maybe you will say that I am pretty old to get jealous but it was still not a very good feeling when all the divine attention was no longer on you but your sister. Speaking of divine attention.....I am not sure if I have any to speak of.
My early age
This is longer than I thought it will be but we have to go there abit.....my family was not very well of thus I was look after by baby-sitter when I was 6months old. My mum works long hour and I get to go home only in the weekends. At the age of 4, I was kind of ill-treated by my baby-sitter and this was feedback to my mum by a neighbour......God Bless that neighbour and due to my tender age then, I do not remembered much of those unpleasent memories.
After that incident I was put under the care by my aunt who got married and had a baby boy (my cousin billy) till the age of 6. I only went home at the age of 7 when I started my Primary School.
I was known as a cried baby when I was young as I was deprived of attention from my parents. My dad at that time was not so well tempered like now thus I always get a beating for making a scene during family gatherings. But by God's Blessing, I became independant as I grown and was not much trouble for my parent till my teens.
Yes....some called it rebellious stage but mine last a bit longer from age 14 to 18.
The cause was due to my nightmare which started in my secondary school days in the form of a human.....she is my form teacher and was well known for her caring to her students thus this make me more evil as she is the saint. I have already gotten over it by God's Blessing but I sometimes wonder what will happen to me now if all this had not happened. I guess some way or others we have to get through this to make us what we are today.
Family background
Born the eldest to my parents who are Singaporean. Both side of my grandparents are from China, mainland Canton province so that makes me a pure cantonese....kind of rare for Singapore now as we are quite well mix like rojak. I have 2 younger sisters difference by 11 and 14 in age. “Wow” was always the respond I get whenever the age gap was revealed.
Yeah....I know it was a great gap but this was not something within my parents control during their days when medical is not very advance or should I say, we are not rich too so not much choice there.....so you can pretty guess what life will be install for me when they have their second kid.
Alright, maybe you will say that I am pretty old to get jealous but it was still not a very good feeling when all the divine attention was no longer on you but your sister. Speaking of divine attention.....I am not sure if I have any to speak of.
My early age
This is longer than I thought it will be but we have to go there abit.....my family was not very well of thus I was look after by baby-sitter when I was 6months old. My mum works long hour and I get to go home only in the weekends. At the age of 4, I was kind of ill-treated by my baby-sitter and this was feedback to my mum by a neighbour......God Bless that neighbour and due to my tender age then, I do not remembered much of those unpleasent memories.
After that incident I was put under the care by my aunt who got married and had a baby boy (my cousin billy) till the age of 6. I only went home at the age of 7 when I started my Primary School.
I was known as a cried baby when I was young as I was deprived of attention from my parents. My dad at that time was not so well tempered like now thus I always get a beating for making a scene during family gatherings. But by God's Blessing, I became independant as I grown and was not much trouble for my parent till my teens.
Yes....some called it rebellious stage but mine last a bit longer from age 14 to 18.
The cause was due to my nightmare which started in my secondary school days in the form of a human.....she is my form teacher and was well known for her caring to her students thus this make me more evil as she is the saint. I have already gotten over it by God's Blessing but I sometimes wonder what will happen to me now if all this had not happened. I guess some way or others we have to get through this to make us what we are today.
Blogging seems to be the trend among my friends. They said that blogs enable them to express freely without embarassment or in my own words....without interuption. I guess we are all busy and impatience thus have less time to share our days with family and friends.
I don't really understand the need to blog as compare to many of my friends but recently...something set me thinking......maybe through blogging, I am able to express my thoughts, ideas and questions that were overwhelming me for a moment.
By sharing, I hope I am able to gain feedback and at the same time open up the mind of others.... hopefully this can set them thinking and help them to find their own answers in their life.
I don't really understand the need to blog as compare to many of my friends but recently...something set me thinking......maybe through blogging, I am able to express my thoughts, ideas and questions that were overwhelming me for a moment.
By sharing, I hope I am able to gain feedback and at the same time open up the mind of others.... hopefully this can set them thinking and help them to find their own answers in their life.
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