I was reading this newspaper article and really empathy for this man (Please refer to article above).
This could happen to me too if I could not handle my anger and in fact this is happening all around us every day. Maybe some are lucky and did not end like him.
One thing lead to another and in that split second, a wrong decision make and a life was taken. I have list out the whole process and the cause as follow:
1) Woke up late, miss appointment to see his son Angry level climbing
2) Quarrel over the phone with ex-wife. Emotion turns from angry to frustration.
3) Most likely received cold shoulder treatment from step daughter when arrived at the flat. Frustration level climbing
4) Heated argument about the beatings of his son and argument turn into physical violent and death was the result.
The waking up late and the feeling of angry is so common. Next is the quarrel, maybe not so often but definitely happened at least a few time in our life time.
Cold shoulder treatment like as though you are transparent. Maybe still alright if the mood is normal but always will spark off to arguments when in a bad mood, especially if you get this treatment from someone close.
Point number 4 is extreme and so far I have only experience twice for a heated argument with some violent like pushing but I could not imagine what will happened if all was added up. Could it happen to me? Am I capable of killing someone in that spit of angry?
The thought jus freeze me. In order not to end up in any of such situation, I should better keep my temper at check.
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