Have you ever played this game "Pass The Message" down to the next person in line and the last person with the correct message wins for the team. Usually people will end up with broken message and create their own message along the way and the result was a total different message from the original message that was passed down.
This is a simple example of miscommunication. I have another sample saved as attached. Sometime such error can causes death and hurt to others... once again this make me wonder the percentage of truth that was said by others and listened by me which was pass on to another?
Even people that went into the same movie will come out with different views of the story, this is due to the way the brain analyzing the message differently but when they are asked on the facts of the story, they were usually the same as these people have watched the same movie.
All of the above is just points that makes me relate to the Bible. I used to treat the Bible like another history book or story book. There are so many interesting stories which we have learnt from young like the Boy with five loaves and two fishes, Daniel in the Lion's Den, David and Goliath and many more which you might able to tell me too even though you are not a Christian.
How real or how much is truth written in the Bible...who wrote it? Could it be gossip or just make to believe stories that was pass down to us like 'Pass the Message"? The more I questioned and the more amazed I get.
Do you know that the New Testament, there are four books that are by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John that records the life of Jesus and His teaching. It is not one but four. If this is just a story and not true witness by them, what were written will not be the same as there are four person with four different views and thoughts. They surely will not be the same but they are. The usage of words are different but the facts is the same, similar to those people that have gone for the same movie. Their feelings might be different but the facts are the same. The verse below was found in 2Peter chapter 1 verse 20 to 21 which has answered my doubt.
2Peter chapter 1 verse 20 to 21:
20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation of things. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, through human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
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