My first impression of Ruins of St.Paul's was such a beautiful piece of work and how majestic it will be if the whole building other than the facade is still standing today. I even wonder why did God allow this buiding to be burnt down at the first place since he is the almighty God. I'm just like a naive child who do not understand the works of my Father but in my last trip, this was what I have learnt. God works in ways that we could never imagine.
If you have done some research about the Ruins of St' Paul, this is what you will have find:
“Built from 1582 to 1602 by the Jesuits, the cathedral was the largest Catholic church in Asia at the time, and the royalty of Europe vied with each other to bestow upon the cathedral with the best gifts. With the decline in importance of Macau, which was overtaken as the main port for the Pearl River Delta by Hong Kong, the cathedral's fortunes similarly ebbed, and it was later destroyed by a fire during a typhoon in 1835.”
Something similar and yet different was told to me by a local staying in Macau.
"It was typhoon 8 when the fire broke out at St' Paul in 1835. During that time, Macau is a fishing village settlement where many chinese are staying at the edge of the sea. It was late at night when the typhoon strike and during those days, there were no street lamps or electric therefore it is very difficult for those people to tell the direction of higher grounds. It was this night that Cathedral of St. Paul was burnt. The large fire was not able to put out despite the fact that it was raining heavily on this very night and the blaze coming from the fire saved the life of those who are trying to run for the higher grounds. This fire came just at the right time."
Although some life were still lost but many are saved in return of St' Paul's burning. All that was left was the facade that we see standing today and it remind us of God's mercy and His love for us.
This is just one of the many wonders that God did which we can never truly understand if we do not seek His way. “Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always. Remember the wonders He has done.” (Psalm 105:3-5)
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