Stupid melamine is found in milk, meat and eggs...so what is next. It has become a terror on what you are eating everyday. Always thinking if the food I am consuming contains melamine and if you are too safe...there seems to be very limited choice left for food. Well, you might think that as long as those food is not coming from china, they should be safe huh? No...look at the plastic container that dapao your food or the plastic utensils that we have been using and the technology of mircowaves and wireless gadgets...all these are killing our cells and increasing our death rate by the days. We can accept the high tech gadgets but not the melamine and both are killing us one way or another. Maybe it is not the fear of malamine but the fear of dying.
Been thinking alot recently about death...something that people always want to avoid. Why are we so afraid of death...izzit becos it is the end of everything? Why are we so afraid? As a chinese, there are many folk tales about death and where do you go or what will happen to you but they are just stories. Can anyone tell us or show us what happen after death?
Yes...the Bible actually did in the Chapter of Acts as well as the Four Gospal Book. After Jesus died and risen from the dead, he has appeared in front of 500 people at his time to prove that He has risen from the dead. So my next question is what is next? So can a person risen from the dead still get to enjoy food? Guess this is the only question that came across my chicken mind as I love my food and surprise surprise...the Bible again did reveal that Jesus was able to eat fish after he has risen from the dead...and the fish is not floating in mid-air after he swallow...LOL
Hmmm...so there is nothing to fear about death at all if you see from another point of view. In fact it is the pain of illness that is more terrible than death itself.
We have to reap what we sowed and we get sick on what we eat or over eat. This is the choice we have make so can't really blame others. Although many of you do not agree with me but our human race is slowly killing ourselves by tempting with the food due to greed or killing our cells with the technology we use.
Since Death is no longer an issue and we all have to die sooner or later, so I will feel less guilt when I order for my next steak...okie, as long as I am not over eating. If I did get ill, it is the choice I have make between choosing the steak or the steam fish so that is the price I have to pay.