Just like the seasonal flu, Influence A (T1C1) infection in humans can vary in severity from mild to severe. Signs and symptoms of Influenca A (T1C1) infection may include the following:
§ High behavior
§ Happy
§ Joyous
§ Crazy action
§ Talkative
§ Clumsy
§ Misplace things
§ Smile alot
See your family member if you have any of the above symptoms. Seek immediate family attention if you experience the following warning signs:
§ Breathing deeply
§ Confuse with words
§ Persistent blur in action
§ Sudden forgetfulness
§ Complicate in talking and thinking @ the same time
Influence A (T1C1) infection can be serious and non life threatening. Sotong action from hypertension and ridicules action have been reported with severe Influence A (T1C1) infection.
There are antiviral medications available to treat and/or prevent Influence A (T1C1) infection. Anti-viral medications such as boredom (Bitingnails®) or rudness (Barkatppl®) are recommended for the treatment of Influence A (T1C1) infection. These medications, when taken early in the course of infection (within 2 days of the appearance of symptoms) may:
§ reduce the severity of the infection with faster recovery from the illness.
§ prevent serious sotong complications.
One of the ways to protect against Influence A (T1C1) infection is to prevent its spread. Since the illness occurs through direct contact with Sotong Chay and consumption of sotong and other sea creatures, it is important to practise good personal distance or prevent consumption of sotong. Take these everyday steps to protect your health:
1. Close Your brain cell and Mouth
o With a open heart when you talk or in contact with Sotong Chay.
2. Wash Your Brain
o Regularly and thoroughly with patience and kindness.
o Before and after talking to Sotong
o After going to the movie or KTV with Sotong
o Before and after eating Sotong
o After arguing with Sotong
o After using your brain when talking to Sotong
3. Contain the Spread of Flu
o Use a prayer of Thanks
o Do not share unhappy thoughts
o Avoid thinking with your brain but with your heart.
o If you have sotong symptoms, avoid crowded areas and wear a fish tank head gear.
o Stay at home or go to work with a empty head.
o See your family member if you have flu-like symptoms and if you have recently in contact with Sotong Chay or consume sotong with cases of Influence A (T1C1) flu.